E-ISSN 2223-0343

Comparative studies on tongue of Egretta ibis and Gallus gallus

Dalia A Sabry

Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Avian tongue is quite fit with the oral cavity and possesses a characteristic beak-like structure adapted for feeding habits. Tongue and beak structure of Egretta ibis and Gallus gallus domesticus were studied. Morphological studies revealed a correlation between lingual structure and the type of food intake. Macroscopically, Gallus species possessed triangular shaped tongue with distal transverse conical papillae comparing with elongated slender-shaped structure of Egretta ibis.  The tongue structure reflected the shape of beak region being slender, elongated with pointed end in Egretta ibis compared with apparent short beak and conical pointed bills in Gallus species. Lingual keratinization and presence of taste buds are detected in Gallus gallus domesticus in comparison with the Egretta ibis. Lingual glands are characteristic of both species but more abundant in Gallus gallus domesticus. Isoenzyme electrophoresis was done for Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH), Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), Amylase and Carbonic Anhydrase (CAH). LDH, CAH and G6PDH isoenzymes are denser in tongue of Egretta ibis reflecting more active role in capturing food materials while amylase is denser in Gallus gallus domesticus manifesting carbohydrate feeding habits. Finally the author concluded that the studied avian species possessed varying morphological, histological and assayed isoenzymes characteristic to their feeding habits.

Keywords: Egretta; Gallus; tongue; lingual glands; Alcian-PAS; silver methenamine nitrate;  isoenzyme electrophoresis
To cite this article: Sabry DA, 2015. Comparative studies on tongue of Egretta ibis and Gallus gallus. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 5(9): 375-382.

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