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Replacement of corn grain with steam-flaked and extruded corn in total mixed ration on in vitro fermentation and volatile fatty acids concentration

Palizdar MH*, Mohammadian-Tabrizi HR and Pourelmi MR

 Department of Animal Science, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Mazandaran, Iran


The effect of using steam-flaked and extruded corn on in vitro fermentation of total mixed rations (TMR) was studied. Six dietary treatments were used: ration 1 (control) - corn grain at 20% in a TMR, ration 2 – stem-flaked corn at 20% in a TMR, ration 3 – extruded corn at 20% in a TMR, ration 4 – corn grain at 10% + steam-flaked corn at 10% in a TMR, ration 5 – corn grain at 10% + extruded corn at 10% in a TMR and ration 6 – steam flaked corn at 10% + extruded corn at 10% in a TMR. The TMR used in the in vitro evaluation was made up of the corn and or processed corn (20%) alfalfa hay (40%), beet sugar pulp (20%), soybean meal (10%) and barley grain (20%). A 200 mg sample of each ration was weighed and placed in 100 ml glass syringes. Each sample was then inoculated with artificial saliva and filtered rumen liquor (2:1 ratio), then incubated at 39°C in a ventilated oven. Gas production (GP) was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. At 96 hours, 10 ml of supernatant from each sample was taken for the determination of volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration. The total in vitro gas and VFA produced were corrected for the blank. Production of acetate, propionate, valerate and isobutyrate was different (P<0.05) between treatments because the organic matter digestibility (OMD) was different as well and in treatment 2 the OMD was 80.41%. There was a significant difference between treatment 1 and other treatments including processed corn (P<0.05) for propionate concentration, while control treatment had the highest concentration of propionate (26.32 mol/100mol). Acetate to propionate ratio was significantly different between treatments (P<0.05). Moreover, treatment 1 had the lowest acetate to propionate ratio (1.71) in comparison to treatment 3, 5 and 6. Based on the results of this study; steam flaking and or extruding corn can potentially alter the VFA production in the rumen. Using processed corn in place of corn grain in TMR might alter rumen fermentation and probably increase the digestibility of feeds in dairy cows.

Keywords: steam-flaked corn; extruded corn; in vitro; total mixed ration; in vitro gas production; feed digestion
To cite this article: Palizdar MH, HR Mohammadian-Tabrizi and MR Pourelmi, 2014. Replacement of corn grain with steam-flaked and extruded corn in total mixed ration on in vitro fermentation and volatile fatty acids concentration. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 4(2), 111-116.

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