E-ISSN 2223-0343

Estimating the body weight of cattle in tropical dual purpose system by using zoometric measurements

Julio Cesar Vinay-Vadillo1*, Benjamín Alfredo Piña-Cárdenas1, Gwendolyne Peraza-Mercado2, José Javier G. Gantón-Castillo1 and Jorge Hernández-Bautista3

1Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias; 2Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México; 3Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, México


The aim of this study was to determine the zoometric variables that significantly estimate the body weight of cattle from different European crosses and Zebu, using polynomial models and a geometric method, applying multiple linear regression. About 9,462 records of male and female Holstein and Brown Swiss crossed with Zebu genotypes on two management systems, the Experimental Station La Posta and Matias Romero, belonging to INIFAP were used in total. The selected variables related to live weight prediction were: height at hindquarter (haunch) (HH), height at withers (HW), thoracic perimeter (TP), abdominal circumference (AC), body length (BL) and length at withers (LW). A database was developed on a spreadsheet with the factors: genotypes (Holstein and Brown Swiss crossed with Zebu), gender (females and males) and Experimental Station (La Posta and Matias Romero). With HH, HW, TP, AC, BL and LW variables, a regression analysis was tested using the Best Subsets method with the determination coefficient (R) indicators, Mallows’ Cp and Variance (S) and multiple regression with their corresponding analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the MINITAB V15 software. The length and perimeter measures were used to obtain the volume, as an estimate of body weight. According to the results of the multiple regression analysis, the zoometric measures TP, AC and BL were highly significant (P£0.0001) to estimate the body weight of cattle of Holstein and Brown Swiss crossed with Zebu in dual-purpose systems (DPS) in the tropics. In conclusion, the zoometric measures TP, AC, BL and LW, significantly estimate the body weight of Holstein and Brown Swiss cattle crossed with Zebu.

Keywords: Cattle; zoometric measures; body weight; volume
To cite this article: Vinay-Vadillo JC, BA Piña-Cárdenas, G Peraza-Mercado, JJG Gantón-Castillo and J Hernández-Bautista, 2015. Estimating the body weight of cattle in tropical dual purpose system by using zoometric measurements. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 5(12): 483-488.

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