PRINT: ISSN 2221-1896
ONLINE : ISSN 2223-0343

Morphometric traits as indicator of body weight at various ages in Sudanese Rabbits
Khalid M. Elamin1*, Ibrahim A Yousif2, Asma A Tameem Eldar3, Hind A.A.Elagib4 and Hassan E Hassan5
1Department of Animal Breeding, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Gezira, Sudan; 2Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Sudan; 3Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Gezira, Sudan; 4Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Sudan; 5Department of Meat Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Gezira, Sudan

In this trial 10 linear traits were measured to formulate regression equations for body weight prediction in Sudan local rabbits. Traits measured beside body weight (BW) were ear length (EAR), heart girth (HG), height at withers (HTW), body length (BL), abdominal circumference (ABC), distance from nose to shoulder (NTS), length of the fore limb (FL),  length of the hind limb (HL), thigh girth (TG) and tail length (TL). These traits were measured at 3, 4, 5 months and over 5 (mature) months of ages in both sexes. We found the highest correlations (highly significant at P≤0.01) with body weight in all age groups. HG, BL and ABC were chosen as the indicator traits in the regression equations. The generated sex combined equations were Y= -749.76+41.89 HG+ 23.41 BL+17.15 ABC, Y=-348.17+24.52HG+27.02BL+14.19ABC and Y=-2197.23+69.46GH+45.41BL+33.68 ABC for 3, 4 and above 5 months of age.  Obtained prediction equations have high values of R2 at 3 and mature ages (84- 0.59), moderate values at 4 months of ages (0.57-0.37) and low values at 5 months of age (0.31-0.15). These values suggested that prediction equations can be used efficiently in Sudanese rabbits to predict live weight at 3, 4 months of age and mature ages.

Keywords: Abdominal circumference; Heart girth; Tail length; Thigh girth
To cite this article: Elamin KM, IA Yousif, AAT Eldar, HAA Elagib and HE Hassan, 2012. Morphometric traits as indicator of body weight at various ages in Sudanese Rabbits. Res. Opin. Anim. Vet. Sci., 2(11), 573-575.

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